Yesterday we decided to go to the Miccosukee reservation at Big Cypress and check out the Seminole War reenactment. We got there too late and missed the shootout, but got to see lots of traditional dancing. Here is a small video I took yesterday and worked on for a little while. It is of my favorite dancer, Whitehorse, doing the War Dance. I wanted it to look old, and I want to make it into something I can turn in to Video class, but we'll see what happens. OH, and pardon the camera shake, there was lot's of wind and I was on a Kodak Zi8 HD cam. (the quality is not good, because blogger is wack)
Incidentally, I finally realized where the term "feather in your cap" comes from.
Hello. And Bye.
Qoooo Su is using vignettes/letter-boxing/color correcting...Damn're getting up to speed with Afx...i probably won't teach you something you already know lol!!
yah too bad thats on FINAL CUT EXPRESS THAT I DID THAT IN.
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