"macs never get sick" is the usual mantra out there. This is, by and large TRUE. However, many people think you can just go go go with the mac and that is it. Sure, Mac owners are more careful with Macs because they just shelled out a crap load of money for it. But DO YOU MAKE SURE that when you uninstall ALL the files are deleted? even the hidden ones? Do you make sure your Macs permissions are in order? your temp files too??? You know, the basic maintenance no one thinks of doing on a mac because they are "indestructible" or so the commercial tells you? IN CASE YOU DON'T, check these little apps out:

Cocktail is a basic System maintenance interface that lets you do all the stuff to keep your mac running nice and clean and app cleaner is for removing apps. Just drag the program you want gone and it will get all the files associated with it in a nice box for you to stick in the trash. Cocktail is a free trial (until the 10th launch) and App Cleaner is free. Click the pics to be redirected.
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