I understand many people are upset by this season's Don Draper. Everyone expected the same character as seasons past. But I see what Weiner is going for here and I have to say I like it. We're so used to our lead/awesome characters being well, awesome, all the damn time. But if it is one thing Mad Men is known for is gritty character development. Realistically speaking, what happened to the character of Don Draper at the end of last season, was NOT A FUN TIME and the result, is what we're seeing now. I also get the feeling that we're seeing TV character Karma in full effect. Action/Reaction. So he's shaken and not so confident, so he's on a self destructive spiral, so what. That shit happens. It's happening to Don Draper. And the embarrassment I felt for him last night watching him try to hit on that girl was freakin'gold. If the goal was to elicit emotions and empathize with the character, they did a good job.
So there. Stop the hate.
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