Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This Halloween is going to be all about Dia de Los Muertos for me (even though it is actually the two days after Halloween, but still, it's my theme). I am also making sugar skulls! I finally received the molds in the mail.

wooo! I'm super excited. I'm even going to paint my face like a skull for Halloween! sigh. I think I'm a bit, too excited about this. I've still got a long way to go before I can relax from school, but seriously this is just so exciting. I had to go to party city to get some stuff for a class, and they are already taking out their Halloween stuff. It's getting to be that time of the year. FABULOUS!


Some Chilean Woman said...

I love it! I was thinking about being Frida for Halloween, but I live in Utah where no one would know what the hell I was.

You better do a post on Halloween, I want to see!

Su said...

LOL! where have you been? I subscribe to your blog but I havent gotten any new ones??? I miisss them!

Some Chilean Woman said...

Same blog, but I don't do as many because I don't have internet at home until next Tue (we moved) so yeah, just come see me at somechileanwoman.blogspot.com
