1. Music! You want a reflection of my current mood? Check my current playlist. It will ALWAYS tell you the truth, even when I do not. I really cannot see myself ever "not listening". Especially in a car. I would shoot myself.

2. Cool Old People: Especially happy cool old people. There is nothing that gives me more hope in my future than seeing old people who's lives are full of love and things going on. It's like, "it can be done, so here I go".

(that's my aunt)
3. Family: This is, above all else makes me happy. I love them. All of them. Even when they annoy me, and they do that often.

4. Masks! They rock. Especially animal masks and old-timey halloween masks.I have a bunch of them. I have a Dracula one I got from a curiosity/costume shop in the West Village a while back. It's kind of flimsy, but you don't find those just anywhere. I don't have room for them though, so they kind of wander around. Eventually, I want to hang them up. You know, like how hunters hang up their "trophies", and some smart ass will say, "hey, so...you killed a dracula did you?" and I will reply "I have many skills".

5. Drinks with Good Friends: I am not a big drinker, even though I always say "I need drinks".But I do appreciate having a good drink with a good friend(s). That is always, always fun.

6. Food! Seriously.

7. Books. They keep me entertained, I like their covers and I like to read. This is actually a book I just got! It's about how "white" as a race is relatively new in the scheme of things, and is really just an excuse to keep people down. ehem, the cover reads "a mind expanding and myth destroying exploration of notions of white race. Not merely a skin color but also a signal of power, prestige and beauty to be withheld and granted selectively".

8. Prints/Paintings. I still have a few put away because of space constraints...

9. Art Supply/ Craft Stores, I'm like a kid in a candy store. I see possibilities everywhere!

10. Doing Nothing (especially with Juan). :)