Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10 Things: A Blogger's Game

Woo hoo! I got tagged by my friend and fellow blogger Nadia of Little Me Big You in the 10 things sensation! The object of this is to write 10 things that make you happy or inspire you. So here we go!

1. Music! You want a reflection of my current mood? Check my current playlist. It will ALWAYS tell you the truth, even when I do not. I really cannot see myself ever "not listening". Especially in a car. I would shoot myself.

2. Cool Old People: Especially happy cool old people. There is nothing that gives me more hope in my future than seeing old people who's lives are full of love and things going on. It's like, "it can be done, so here I go".

(that's my aunt)

3. Family: This is, above all else makes me happy. I love them. All of them. Even when they annoy me, and they do that often.

4. Masks! They rock. Especially animal masks and old-timey halloween masks.I have a bunch of them. I have a Dracula one I got from a curiosity/costume shop in the West Village a while back. It's kind of flimsy, but you don't find those just anywhere. I don't have room for them though, so they kind of wander around. Eventually, I want to hang them up. You know, like how hunters hang up their "trophies", and some smart ass will say, "hey, so...you killed a dracula did you?" and I will reply "I have many skills".

5. Drinks with Good Friends: I am not a big drinker, even though I always say "I need drinks".But I do appreciate having a good drink with a good friend(s). That is always, always fun.

6. Food! Seriously.

7. Books. They keep me entertained, I like their covers and I like to read. This is actually a book I just got! It's about how "white" as a race is relatively new in the scheme of things, and is really just an excuse to keep people down. ehem, the cover reads "a mind expanding and myth destroying exploration of notions of white race. Not merely a skin color but also a signal of power, prestige and beauty to be withheld and granted selectively".

8. Prints/Paintings. I still have a few put away because of space constraints...

9. Art Supply/ Craft Stores, I'm like a kid in a candy store. I see possibilities everywhere!

10. Doing Nothing (especially with Juan). :)

Monday, March 22, 2010


I am officially starting my "downtime" projects. I have a few. Anywho, these include:
Making my own Matryoshka doll. I ordered these online last week, and hope to get my hands on them towards Wednesday. I'm tres excited!

I was thinking of painting them as Latin or tropical looking women. But not in a cheesy way. Here's what they normally look like (in case you don't know).

I'm seriously excited about this project. I remember my grandmother had a Matryoshka when I was reaaally little and I loved it. I wonder what she did with it? My other project is screen printing myself a Led Zeppelin T-shirt. I already have the graphic, now I just need to go and print the transparency somewhere. Here's what I want:

It's not a lot, and I did mock up something with a little more "flair". But I think I should take baby steps for now. Especially since this would be my first time screen printing. And for my third and fourth projects, I'm starting my AFX tutorials again today, and hitting the gym starting tomorrow. Last week was my "taking a break week" now, I gotta moove.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Keep it Clean, Mac Users

"macs never get sick" is the usual mantra out there. This is, by and large TRUE. However, many people think you can just go go go with the mac and that is it. Sure, Mac owners are more careful with Macs because they just shelled out a crap load of money for it. But DO YOU MAKE SURE that when you uninstall ALL the files are deleted? even the hidden ones? Do you make sure your Macs permissions are in order? your temp files too??? You know, the basic maintenance no one thinks of doing on a mac because they are "indestructible" or so the commercial tells you? IN CASE YOU DON'T, check these little apps out:

Cocktail is a basic System maintenance interface that lets you do all the stuff to keep your mac running nice and clean and app cleaner is for removing apps. Just drag the program you want gone and it will get all the files associated with it in a nice box for you to stick in the trash. Cocktail is a free trial (until the 10th launch) and App Cleaner is free. Click the pics to be redirected.

Well then InDesign

I use InDesign CS4 for everything at work. You can imagine my frustration when my 70 something page document kept shutting the program down when I tried to export. I was freaked out. Until I derrr realized THIS MORNING my export setting was not for Adobe's newest reader. It was set for 3 or some shit. So then, It hit me OOOH more of adobe's "if you dont get the newer version of our things, then you will never work in this town again" policy -only for reader. Thankfully, reader is free. A whole day and night of frustration, of re-installing my program and trying to clean up my computer when all I had to do was click. Sigh. :(

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Poster Art

I was looking through D*S and I found this lovely poster of my hometown. Just thought I'd share. It's a screen print I believe, something I want to get into.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Birthday! -NOT.

So, Friday was my birthday. It was great, the whole weekend. EXCEPT, for that I had to go to the dentist and I had a cleaning. I hadn't been to the hygienist for like -ever- years even. And NOW I have to be on a treatment for a week to get my teeth/gums clean like they are supposed to be.. :( So far so good though. The only drawback is that the mouthwash I am on makes things taste strange... Never again will I miss an appointment. Never again.. :(

Friday, March 12, 2010


A very wise man I go to school with said something yesterday: "I can't do this. How I can I do this. Just sit here, in front of the computer all day every day just clicking."
Yes. That is how I feel today. Exactly how I feel today. After such a grueling three months, I need a break. I do. I just cried on my keyboard "I dont wanna do thiiis anymooooreee" yeah. I need a break.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Plastic Beach!!

It's finally out and I have it! It's a little different than Demon Days (and by a little, I mean a lot), but it's not bad. It's a lot more ... I don't know how to describe it. It may not be for everyone. Also, I'm starting to get a bit annoyed with the constant "guest singer" thing they are doing. They had a bunch in DD, but now it's like, every damn song. There's a lot of Bobby Womack, who is not my favorite but still...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Too Good Not To Post

I had to come up with two more comps for my ideas class. this time I decided to get a shoot together. Obviously ALL the girls flaked out, but some guys showed up and we made due with what we had, that's how we came up with this little gem. I love it. And my models were the best sports ever! They rock!! This is, definitely, my favorite comp OF ALL..

Friday, March 5, 2010


Guess what I just downloaded from the Public Domain...

Along with a bunch of Vincent Price and Bela Lugosi stuff that I may or may not keep around. You can blame my grade pitch and my after effects tutorials...Did you know Night of the Living Dead was public domain?? Well ya do now!


MY BOOK IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SOOOO EXCITED!! It is seriously addictive. I think this might not be my only foray into book making...


You know, I'm getting sick of the cold weather here. Still, it is kind of spring already though -well, for Miami-ish. And you know what that means! another soon to be failed attempt at actually growing plants. Yes, every year there is a massacre of plants in my yard. every year. I've tried to curb my impulses at home depot, especially since I am broke. BUT I do have some left over seeds from my last massacre, soooooo.... I'll keep you posted..

Monday, March 1, 2010

ON the reservation.

Yesterday we decided to go to the Miccosukee reservation at Big Cypress and check out the Seminole War reenactment. We got there too late and missed the shootout, but got to see lots of traditional dancing. Here is a small video I took yesterday and worked on for a little while. It is of my favorite dancer, Whitehorse, doing the War Dance. I wanted it to look old, and I want to make it into something I can turn in to Video class, but we'll see what happens. OH, and pardon the camera shake, there was lot's of wind and I was on a Kodak Zi8 HD cam. (the quality is not good, because blogger is wack)

Incidentally, I finally realized where the term "feather in your cap" comes from.
