I've decided to post the October pictures at the end of the week. I swear, I'm trying. Things aren't as unmanageable now, as they have been for the last couple of months. Hopefully I'll be able to write more as time goes by.
Now, if you guys haven't been watching, Boardwalk Empire on HBO is really kick ass.

I suggest you get on that ASAP. I know what you may be thinking, who needs a new show? especially about mobsters.. BUT it is really really really that good. If not for the storyline, then Michael Pitt is definitely something to look at and so is Paz de La Huerta (well, only from the neck down, which is good cos she's always naked). Also, the costumes and set design are delicious. They really did pay attention to every last detail for this show. Hell, the title sequence is pretty good as well.
Just think this: True Blood is gone until next year and Spartacus has yet to show signs of life...
Also, The Walking Dead starts Halloween weekend... EXCITING!!!! OH and in case you want some cool pictures to look at in general, I keep a tumblr blog which is easier to maintain than blogger. check me out! Time's a Wastin'