This week is shaping up so much better than the last. I'm definitely less stressed out. I've actually been able to just sit back and watch really great stuff -despite seeing SALT.
I finally saw VOLVER.

I don't know why I hadn't seen it before. It was really great, really really great. You know, I think I can get lost more in Penelope Cruz's acting when she does it in Spanish. It makes her not so exotic and easier to understand... which makes me stop my hateration.
I also saw A Single Man, by Tom Ford.

Just the fact that Tom Ford was involved (he directed), and that it starred Colin Firth was enough. But you know it was really really really really awesome. It's sad, what I like to call Mad Men sad. Which means it's sad but good and kind of makes you think. I totally recommend it to anyone and everyone. Yes, it is about a gay man "technically" but the film does suuuch a good job of transcending sexual orientation, to make it about the actual relationship,and loss (in general) that it just speaks to the person. You know? Mr. Ford did an awesome job. And THE CLOTHING, and THE SETS! and THE FILM TEMPERATURE. It is totally a work of art. Like FOR REAL. WATCH IT.
Next up on my list is The House of the Devil.

It was made last year and is supposedly a throwback to the 60's and 70's type of horror films. Think, Rosemary's Baby. I found the info on Tumblr and was totally intrigued, so, I must watch!
In unfortunate news, I hate to inform that there will be a Paranormal Activity 2. Yes. Sucks. I hate it when they do this. A really really great low budget film comes along that makes it big and suddenly Hollywood is on the bandwagon to ruin it by making tons of sequels. This new one involves a young family (from what I can gather) with a dog and a baby. Whatever. I don't think I'll watch this.