So here it is. The year is over today. I know I have been a horrible blogger. A really really horrible blogger. What can I say, work and school together are hard. But you know, even though I've been mostly disconnected from my social life and been under a lot of stress, I've actually had an amazing 2010. I am truly thankful for this year. It has brought me back to myself and on my road. I hope you have had the same amazing year. If not, just think, tomorrow is a new year! Full of possibilities.
I dont know what 2011 has in store for me. I'm starting a new chapter in my life and I don't even want to use my crystal ball to see it. Good or bad things will happen and I will have to face them. We all will. That's what's so great, we get a chance to fight.
On the 14th I'll be packing my bags and moving to Russia for 3 months. I think I'll start a blog just for Russia, hopefully I'll be able to be better at that one!

After that, who knows! But I cant wait to find out...
Where do you think the year will lead you?